Monday 4 July 2011

My company AP Middle People Mgt & Svs Sdn Bhd one of registered maid agency and now given approval by Home Ministry to register PATI and help company's to legalise their foreign worker. as i mention earlier in othr post, this registration process will last only for 3 weeks starting 11/7/2011.

since government announce about legalise process, i receive so many enquiries daily because i believe lot of people out there quite suspicious abt this process.

in my point of view, there is no hidden agenda for government to come out with this kind of idea because we know our self that we are facing a lot of positive and negative implication on our society in the present of foreign worker.

But, we should  kudos to our KSU because he dare enough to implement this exercise which other previous KSUs failed to address in their tenure even we face more severe problems in 2007 where Bangladesh legal workers strangered in high numbers without employer because of red tape and  bureaucracy .

This accumulated and unsolved problems on immigrant demote Malaysian ranking in human rights whereby become obstacle in the move to developed nation and give negative perception on Malaysia

so KDN move to legalise are welcomed but i am sure employers are feel dey let in lurch by government with lack of information . i will try to update my blog with latest move by KDN on this legalise process so that everybody can benefit.

please do not hesitate to email or sms me if u have any doubt about legalisation and any matter regarding Malaysian immigrations law.

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