Monday, 29 October 2018

To New Malaysia

As actively involving agent who has almost 20 years’ experience on labour market in malaysia, i would like give some opinion and suggestion to improve overall management of foreign worker in our new malaysia.

First we start from getting approval for foreign worker in KDN. Let say  a employer manage to obtain a kdn approval for 50 workers for manufacturing which his factory need in urgently. Next step he need register in FWCMS and submit for calling. In Kdn approval stated that the manufacturer only can bring in workers from source country which is Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand,Nepal,Indonesia, Philipine, Pakistan, Uzbakistan, Turkanistan, Srilanka,Combodia, Laos, Vietnam. Out of this country, Bangladesh, Mynmar, and Nepal can’t bring in for the moment because of there is no proper mechanism in way . The major country source of workers literally eliminated. India workers not a source country and Indonesian male cant be employed in factories. Now the left is other not favorable countries which Malaysia manufacturer need to do hard work to get reliable workers. This kind situation left them in lurch and eventually encourage them hire illegal. If let say the manufacturer found workers from particular source country and applied calling visa through Fwcms and it would take another month for the workers to arrive. Then if there is some workers do not come after calling visa out , the replacement workers must be from same source of country which i feel is not fair to employers side. For information before FWCMS implemented employer can apply any other source country workers for replacement. The system should be improved but it has been modified to satisfy the vendor not employer.

Source country dilemma existing since 20 years back and we don’t know what the basis of choosing source countries. Why Indonesian male and India which has pool of workers can’t be source country for manufacturing? The world keeps up changing but law in KDN hasn’t change for past 20 years. The same kind of problems happening in other sector as well. For the moment employer can’t bring in workers from Bangladesh, Myanmar and Nepal which make 3/5 of total registered workers. After paying levy about rm1850 (not including coffee money) for each worker, employer has to struggle to find workers

The real problem in our country is about illegals not the registered 1.89m workers. All registered workers particulars even their thumb prints all in system and can retrieve any point of time. Jtk and kdn always come up new mechanism for this registered workers but not for hindering illegals. I suggest JTKSM and Kdn focus on illegals which more damaging our sovereignty. First pls improve myimm system which control in n out tourist and immigration. For your information, since visa on arrival implemented, all blacklisted gain entry to our country easily because the system doesn't work as promised but become money generating machine for vendor. A simple checking can prove my statement. The immigration system should be like in Singapore or China. Every entry should be monitored to eliminate tourist visa misused cz illegal get entry mostly through air . In china, they have amassing system can trace whereabouts of a single tourist within minute. Spend money on system.

it world known truth that Malaysia had a licensed human trafficking system called SPPA . Luckily it was abolished since pakatan taken over. Thought the system hundreds of workers brought in as legal and made them illegals within 6 months of time because of brecurassy and bribery. Well connected vendors collect not less than rm15k to 20k from each worker in Bangladesh and send  them to Malaysia employers. Just go ask these workers how they repaying their loan in Bangladesh with minimum wage they get from employers. Most of them look for better payment employer within Malaysia for their survival and end up as illegals. Whom to blame on this? Politician and vendors who raked million from this Bangladeshi workers still roaming freely but normal Malaysian expected to pay new taxes in coming budget. So a right system should be in place so that legal workers should be protected not abused. Online renewal and mandatory insurance are welcomed.

My suggestion.
 1)    Give 3 months’ probation period for new worker who arriving in calling visa. Within these three month of time worker can decide whether they want stick to employer or return to country. By given this option, workers would not work if employer didn’t follow what he promised while reqruitment. Employer too can choose worker which suit to his work condition and employ permanently. Three months initial salary can be used to send back the worker if not suited. Allow replacement calling visa immediate. The 3 months’ probation period can be given when the worker enter to country. Currently they are giving 1 month. So no extra workload to immigration
  2)      Service sectors approval mainly for restaurant should emulate Sabah immigration method.  Number of foreign worker should be given based on restaurant size and operational hours. If the restaurant is in corner lot and operate 24 hours it should be given 6 workers. Not more than that. If it operates in middle plot, approve 3 people immediate once they submit with tenancy agreement and license from local authorities. By this new comer with new brand and foreign investor with new idea can open up restaurant which eventually enrich our country. So there is no favors for big mamak restaurant which so long depend on foreign workers to open up branches all over nation. Be fair to all by system. Don’t give backdoor approval. By this way, slowly restaurant operator can move to new level where less depends on foreign workers. This how matured countries did early days.
   3)       Barbers, jewelers, textile workers approvals should not be given. Ask employer recruit locals and don’t listen to their association plight. Most of the owners running business 100% depend on foreign worker.  If they want stay in business they have to move forward by using system  or go ground again to do daily basis business not by employing cheap foreigner to run business
    4)        New workers age limit should be increased to 50 or abolish the limit follow world trend and not sticking with 20 years policy which currently in practice.
    5)     Abolish CLAB. It is licensed outsource agent company run by previous government cronies. Give approvals direct to employers. There is no significant contribution by CLAB to construction industry in Malaysia. Ask Cidbs opinion.Please get back employers feedback too on CLABs services and their monopolies

 Would be continue.....

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