Thursday, 8 June 2017


sorry guys for late posting. This time i really cant give good reason for why i didn't update my blog regularly. to say short all because of my bad time management.
Anyway here is some news that i would like to share with you all.

  • Rehiring program going to end this month 30/6/2017.
  • Here is the list of an eligable group of illegals who can participate. 
  1. a tourist who enter Malaysia before 30/03/2016
  2. whoever holding an expired permit. not matter when it expired. including expired year 10th work permit
  3.  worker who holding dp10 pass n expired.
  • Employer who wish legalize the worker pls pay a vist to immgartion so that you can get full picture
  • Don't ever choose myeg as your vendor. choose bukti megah or iman.
  • there is no change for workers who exceed the age limit 44. 
  • worker who entered after 30/03/2016 contact agent and consult what and how they can help. always there is way when have will
  • the rehiring process really a tedious process and definitely will take time. dont ask question cz there is no answer for any progressive question.
I can understand so many people's frustration on how immigration conducting this program even though they have experience running this kind program few time in this decade. there is no venue to complain about myeg. you go myeg they will push you to immigration and vice versa. end of the day employer who has no patient will make myeg share surge more n more. don't ask what happen to your money. you f no right. our immigration director, as usual, will give warning and threaten employers but would never go agents the 3 licensed agents who collecting money but let all work done by immigration officers. As i know ecard, thumbprint, sp, approval, data entry and stiker all do by immigration officers of each state. the three licensed company collect money and do administration job which they get paid handsomely. Nobody even imm director who came from macc also has no gut to questioning them. Don't ever ask why an employer can't go direct deal with immigartion as we knew they the one doing all the job. i can hear you telling somethng but no question pls. i can keep on writing unjustified, corrupted system all day along but do it can give any benefit for you or me? the anser is we learn to follow the flow. 

The 3+1 program also still in force.illegals can go back to their country by paying to cronie company and rm400 to immigration. if do have any quarries pls wats app. i try to help by giving any information that i knew . tq