Thursday, 21 April 2016

Reriching alias Rehiring

hi friends..sorry for  a late i want to share some information that could help you guys

  • Starting 2pm from today, i mean from 21/4/16 all 6p permit can be renewed in myeg like normal renewal up to 10 years. Just go online in myeg and do renewal. As usual the employers who follow rules and send back their workers become idiot of the year. if they do follow my blogs earlier they surely not had made that mistake.
  • Now the terms for rehiring process become easier a bit. No kdn interview as said earlier . All process fully handle by immigration. Even the levy can be paid in immigration.
  • As what i heard from officers, only  minimum document needed to get approved and they have been told to approve almost all the cases
  • Four category people not entitled in rehiring a)blacklisted worker b)workers who blocked by employers c) ppl who entered country illegally (by jalan tikus) d) student visa holder. Any other foreign worker can be registered in rehiring programe. Even a permit holder who intend to change employer also can be register. (this one i am not 100% sure but told by Immigration officer who incharge for this program to me)  
  • Bukti Megah doing smooth job in rehiring program. Myeg catching up but their process taking time. 
  • Cost still same around rm5000 each worker. register in myeg will cost 1200 then special pass will cost rm900 then levy will coct rm2050 then include medical rm200.
  • Dont give agent to do it cz almost all handle by the 3 appointed company and other agents cnt compete with this licenced crony agent.
  • Illegals who intend go back home country still can do so by paying compaun rm400 without prosecution.
  • Maid not included in rehiring programe.
  • 6p permit can be renew through agent in putrajaya too.. 

SOS call announced by employer community through paper to address the shortage of workers in market. As you all aware ppl in putrajaya never worried about economy and only worried about their own position and will do anything to please their stupid bosses. What we can do for now is just pay the amount and get legalize the workers. For worker who want to register themself without working to employer find a trustful Malaysian who can really help. Dont do same mistake as in 6p