Saturday, 24 September 2016


Almost five months i didn't update my blog and sure some of your guys think i am out of this industry. No at all. i am still in industry and getting busier each month. i wld like to share some info and hope will help you guys.

  • Myeg rehiring program still on and the conditions are more flexible now. It would cost you around 5k. Employers do register yourself. The programe expected would continue untill end of this year cz myeg make good money on this. the number of illegal who register in rehiring spike  the day after new imm dg announce that they will confiscate employer properties and freeze bank accnt who hires illegal.
  • Nomore manual submission for Dp 10 appilcation . All new application must do throught ESD 
  • Iilegal still can go back their countries by paying rm400 compaun. Bangladeshi who wish go back should contact karicom and indonesian Imam Resources. 
  • Kdn approval are ongoing. They accepting construction,plantation and manufucturing files. If the company have required document can submit file directly to KDN.No need JCS. Just attach JCS registration  form together. But now mostly menteri signed files only moving. So as usual if want to get kdn quato pls approach kuncu kuncu menteri. 
  • Lot of maid employer calling me asking about legalizing their maid.Here is my sincere advice. If you want hire a maid find a maid anywhere and any means. Let her work for few month illegally. Donot worry. But make sure you do basic medical check up each every maid coming into you house in the process. Once you satisfied with the maid then look for agent to legalise. Keeping maid illegally is against law but for current situation we normal people have no option unless u willing to spend thousand of ringgit. Legalising a maid will cost you from 4k to 7k. In this bolehland nothing impossible if you f money.
 Employing foreign workers become costly nowdays . With increasing cost, some industries traditionally depend on foreign worker have to out of the market soon. I can surelly say that almost all mama shops in kl running with illegals. Chinease and Malay food shoops  along time ago practicing this. there is no chances illegal foreign workers problem can be solved . It not easy for new entrepreneur   who  wish to employ foreign worker legally nowadays. Consulate with few manpower ppl before invest in foreign workers intensive business .

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Reriching alias Rehiring

hi friends..sorry for  a late i want to share some information that could help you guys

  • Starting 2pm from today, i mean from 21/4/16 all 6p permit can be renewed in myeg like normal renewal up to 10 years. Just go online in myeg and do renewal. As usual the employers who follow rules and send back their workers become idiot of the year. if they do follow my blogs earlier they surely not had made that mistake.
  • Now the terms for rehiring process become easier a bit. No kdn interview as said earlier . All process fully handle by immigration. Even the levy can be paid in immigration.
  • As what i heard from officers, only  minimum document needed to get approved and they have been told to approve almost all the cases
  • Four category people not entitled in rehiring a)blacklisted worker b)workers who blocked by employers c) ppl who entered country illegally (by jalan tikus) d) student visa holder. Any other foreign worker can be registered in rehiring programe. Even a permit holder who intend to change employer also can be register. (this one i am not 100% sure but told by Immigration officer who incharge for this program to me)  
  • Bukti Megah doing smooth job in rehiring program. Myeg catching up but their process taking time. 
  • Cost still same around rm5000 each worker. register in myeg will cost 1200 then special pass will cost rm900 then levy will coct rm2050 then include medical rm200.
  • Dont give agent to do it cz almost all handle by the 3 appointed company and other agents cnt compete with this licenced crony agent.
  • Illegals who intend go back home country still can do so by paying compaun rm400 without prosecution.
  • Maid not included in rehiring programe.
  • 6p permit can be renew through agent in putrajaya too.. 

SOS call announced by employer community through paper to address the shortage of workers in market. As you all aware ppl in putrajaya never worried about economy and only worried about their own position and will do anything to please their stupid bosses. What we can do for now is just pay the amount and get legalize the workers. For worker who want to register themself without working to employer find a trustful Malaysian who can really help. Dont do same mistake as in 6p

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Rehiring 2.0

 After one month start of rehiring programme, only 15k illegals registered in online. more interesting news is none of them yet to be confirmed to be legalise. As i know almost every 5 to six years once kdn doing legalise process but still do not understand and learn the market needs and what the right thing should do to solve illegal problem. You know y? cz always politician use this illegal issue to money making scheme

So as stupid rakyat we just need to follow what they decide and go an with what they directed as to do. If not, rules of law will be used on u. They are above law. Come to point, register your illegal workers in rehiring website. The website is user friendly. Pay  around 1200 to each worker then wait myeg come to your place to take thumb print of workers. They will give each a simcard too. Dont ask why they cant use current sim card. the rm 1200 including workers bg and insurance. In the scenario when your worker not eligible in this  rehiring process, the money not refundable and it shows how carrying is our kdn to illegals where by we provide medical benefit event thought the workers are not yet under permit

Next step myeg and consortium will follow up your process in immigration. Immmigration will issue sp to proceed to kdn for eligible workers and sp for sending back  disqualify workers. Whitin the sp expiry myeg and consortium will arrange interview in kdn for employer. Once kdn approve, employer can pay levy and proceed to immigration to bring out calling. This the steps involve in rehiring process as far as i understood.

What should i do? register or no? 

The total cost of legalese illegals in this process would be around rm5000 to 7000. The workers who legalized in this rehiring programme only can work max 5year and most of them eligible for 3 years only.My advice is if your workers are Bangladeshi n working in allowed sectors and if you think your paper requirement can meet to 85% of kdn normal requirement, then you may apply. I dont recommend to source country workers since they can be legalized some sort of way if want  with less cost and can get longer period of working years. this all only my opinion. the market requirement and situation in different for each sector and workers so u must decide is it worth to invest that much money on our workers.

Belakang way and confirm approval scheme not yet start and employer may wait until this kick start. But i think surely will run cz this the reason they create legalisation process. So happy decide..

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Rehiring 1.0

 Pls go to kdn facebook to update yourself with rehiring process. Information provided in malay. here i translate few in english

--Rehiring start from 15/2/2016 is to legalize illegal in approved sector.
   the process will be conducted in online and will be improved steadilly

--The program implementation will be carried out with caution to curb agents manipulative

--llegal who are not qualify will be send back

--Employer who hiring illegals will be persecuted according law

--Illegals who entered country legally with right record, who have genuine employer and no criminal    record en-tittle to participate in this program

--Rehiring only for currently  allowed sector and not for freezed sector.

--Employer and Workers can apply throught online in .
   For more  and detailed information pls go to above website

--For more inquiry  can call to Immigration hotline at  03 - 8880 1555. from 8.330 am to 11pm uploaded 13/02/16

please ignore and apologize if have mistakes in my translation. My main propose is only to give some information. tq.

Saturday, 6 February 2016

6p opening up?

Hi..sorry for long break...only today i managed buy new pc after old one damaged.
ya true 6p opening up on 15/2/2016. But this time it will be called as rehiring and not 6p. As normal and expected our beloved ..... government going to come up with ludicrous strategy to legalize illegal.

Until writing time i have little information on how the process going to be. As i said in my earlier post, please wait until KDN announce full process. For Myanmar nationalist the rehiring program conducted by Bukti Megah sdn bhd. A ministers crony company. All employer who intend to legalise their Myanmar worker must go to this company which based in Johor but have sub branches  all over states to register their worker. this company will help do legalisation process with fees. Before the levy high the fees is about rm5800 for each worker complete until sticker.  I have seen this company representative doing the work in immigration daily. Employer may call the manager in charge(Bukti Megah) Regina 0166161491 for further information.

For Indonesian they must go to Iman Resources to do legalisation. But i have little information how they conducting the process. Apart from this two companies other nationalities fate most probably would fall under MYeg and consortium. All of them minister level networked foreign worker agents. Their main propose is to make money by creating system in the name of helping government to legalize illegal. But i am sure the fees also will be around rm6k.  Surprisingly other day minister mention about legalize in online without paying middle man which give some hope for thousand of workers who earning less than 1500 a month.

Now government and cronies take advantage on vulnerable migrant workers to make money because they have less money in gov coffer to enjoy like previous years. Workers are the last victim cz almost all employer will touch the workers salary to cover legalization fees.

From previous experience i want give some advice's for workers and employers  who intend participate in rehiring process

  • Please wait and collect some information before start to go register because normally the fees will be high for few weeks until the market correct itself later part
  • Dont ever give full money to agent. please collect ic photocopy of agent if you want to give agent to run for you becaus there is so many cheating cases in previous legalization process.
  • For worker who intend to be independent than employer,  find reliable employer which you personally know. If you dnt have one, consulate with good friend which have more experience hence been in malaysia for long
  • Make sure medically fit before start register
  • Start apply passport now in embassy if dont have one
  • check worker status in immigration in online under
  • Be aware if agent offer something other agents said impossible to do.
i will update more often after this..Happy Chinese new year