I received so many calls and inquiries regarding legalization for past two weeks. Frankly i am too have no answer when it going to start and how they going to be. i only share what i heard from so called industry players. it might be wrong info. So i strongly emphasis employers and employees to follow up with official newses from kdn through out main newspaper rather than agent.
If they do start the legalization process, kdn would give ample time to do . So no need to rush pay agent. Agents collecting money so that the client wont run to another agent if legalization kick off. That their business strategy.
According my source, this time it wont be like legalisation process as done in 2011. As we already know whole cake want to be eaten by crony company and that not going to be that easy. Myeg may loose the contract and dominance. Most probably rehiring process will be start whereby workers who entered country in work permit and overstayed will be given chance to be renew by paying minimum compaun.
Illegals who have no document and entered country in social visa would have to leave country and can be rehire back. They will no blacklist or cooling period to rehire them back.
Iman Resoucer will handle Indonesian and bukti megah will handle mynmar nationalities. this two company controlled by ministers crony. Other nationalities maybe process by myeg.
However all this still in discussion and nobody sure how this time kdn going to do legalisation process.My advice is just wait for official announcement and take step after get clear picture. Many fraud agent waiting to make quick money out of this and please dont loose your hard earn money by paying them earlier. i will update my posting once i get more information.