Thursday, 19 February 2015

Bad n good

Lot of legal worker going be illegal soon since the renewal process become really headache for most of employers. Myeg now become self made immigration and teaching employers about law but they don't realise they have no right interfering law matter involving workers.

So many complain thrown to Myeg but it seems doesnt work cz of political influence. This year no doubt myeg  will make few millionaire among our politician and top level kdn official. If any media dares pls go watch and record what happening in myeg centre in bandar utama. everyday employers expressing their anger towards the myeg officers who doesnt know how they operate . all of them make empty promises and certainly dont wan write down the promises they giving by mouth.

end of the year the registered worker will b less than what we have now and the illegals  definitely will b triple in quantity. as usual government who loose money and nobody bothered about this.

Amnesty alrdy open back. illegals can go back to home country by paying 400 compound without prosecuted. can go neareast immigration department and it on untill end of this year. as usual Indonesian have to go throught immam resources a private enterprise company which will charge rm800 for the same procedure. please dont ask why the double treatment for Indonesian. only menteri and cronies only know the best reasons doing so.