Lot of people still hoping KDN will come up with new plan such as 3p but in reality there is no chance at all for that. Actually 3p means deportation of the illegal which not legalised in 6P . Government will allow all illegal go back their home country by paying compound rm 400 without other punishment until end of this year.
its 100% employers fault if their workers didn't legalised. so many excuses given but all can point to employers ignorance for not taken up this chance. i dont think so there will any other government in this world will be so generous and lenient like this.
6P process literally end yesterday 28/09/12 but there is chance to extended for special cases. Conman always praying for vulnerable illegal and in some cases even employers. there are the one fuelling rumours which have no basis. Now kdn going to busy in issuing bangladesh approval. i think there will be big scams going to be staged in issuing bangla approval which definitelyy will create few immediate millioners