Monday, 26 November 2012

Where d mistake?

Since starting of 6P i already mention where the wrong begin. its begin when incompatible people given top post and the ignorance of KDN didn't listening ground people plight. if it handled by immigration itself like in1996, i think by now almost all workers will be legalised. It will be win win situation between employer, workers and government if it conducted like those time. But sadly top people in KDN took charge without having basic knowledge about manpower problems in country. end results is more abuse, more illegals and more problems. In reality 6P is a another failure project by KDN. Kudos to our minister in charge

Monday, 19 November 2012

Thursday, 15 November 2012


 So long i didn't upgrade my blog cause i think this blogs main purpose of giving information regarding 6P over since the 6P programme stoped. But there is lot of ienquiry still cumming up about the 6P and kdn procedures . This is because public do not believe the governments body's information portal which not providing needed information. Here i give few information which i think will useful. For more info try  get from kdn facebook and try ask there if do have any inquaries

> There is no 3P. KDN placed a notice saying  no programme such as 3P in KDN main office  Putrajaya. So no truth on that and pls do not believe it until kdn announce officially

> if u registered in 6P and want check the status, go to imm page( enter on line service enter inquaries for foreign domestic helper and enter your kdn reference no which usually start with KDN/6P/14101. it will appear. pls check with relevant code for status. if the number didn't exist ,it mean your application not approved and maybe it is a fake paper given by your agent.

>Bangla approvals not yet out.

>You can get replacement for each worker you send back and the application still open
>only indonesian maid allowed to do JP visa
>Putrajaya Imigration only renewing bangladesh and china 6P passports.  Other countries need to go respective state to renew

i will upgrade my blog if there is any news on 6P. do not hesitate to contact me by mail or sms if u any enquiries.

Saturday, 29 September 2012


 Lot of people still hoping KDN will come up with new plan such as 3p but in reality there is no chance at all for that. Actually 3p means deportation of the illegal which not legalised in 6P . Government will allow all illegal go back their home country by paying compound rm 400 without other punishment until end of this year.

its 100% employers fault if their workers didn't legalised. so many excuses given but all can point to employers ignorance for not taken up this chance. i dont think so there will any other government in this world will be so generous and lenient like this.

6P process literally end yesterday 28/09/12 but there is chance to extended for special cases. Conman always praying for vulnerable illegal and in some cases even employers. there are the one fuelling rumours which have no basis. Now kdn going to busy in issuing bangladesh approval. i think there will be big scams going to be staged in issuing bangla approval which definitelyy will create few immediate  millioners

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Balik kampong

exactley one year ready since 6P programme start but it seems no ending. there is employer still not turned up for interview and lot of employer still not paid their levy.

i hope myblog someway helped public get few information regarding 6p programme. i would stop bloging from septmeber this year and will start new blog which will provide information relating immigration and home ministries latest update.

Sunday, 15 July 2012


Employer still can legalise their worker cause KDN still conducting 6P interview for those who have interview number. there is no big crowd seen cause it will be continues process. New approval for foreign worker open up ready. employer who have JCS can go for interview and get approval in the same day.

Lot of people complaining about the process getting stiker after 6P approval. it takes immigration about one month to process and this really irritate employers. i hope somebody reveal full information how the new system (myimm) contract awarded and to whom it awarded. the delay mainly because of the system which will out of order many time in a week. 15 years back Guthrie come out with more reliabale and stable system then now

Employer who intend to hire Indonesian maid get ready for complicated process.  so far as i know only hand full application received by immigration because of new requirement imposed by human resource ministry.

to date no news about bangla approval but all agent talk about this non stop. government also aware that opening bangla approval will bring more harm then good for government.

Saturday, 30 June 2012


Last minute rush make kdn putrajaya standtill and they giving aknowledgment letter to those employer who comes for interview. so only employer who f aknowledment number can come for interview on mentioned date.

i think 6P process would continue untill end of this year couse i saw the date in aknowledgmnet alrdy run until october.

What a shame to former KSU who come up with idea of 6p . Since start i know his plan to end 6p programe in 8 months cant be acheived and not practical at all. in reality, after  11 months the plan only reach  3p stage..another 3p mayb will take antr year.

.the funniest is, the former is now sitting in commision of civil servant. expect more unpractical idea will introduced in cuming months from him.

Friday, 22 June 2012


In the last, 6P process going to over by next week. its confirm and i heard there is no extension after this. as usual lot of crowd in KDN parcel D waiting for interview.

here i will answer few question that always asked to me by public

-New procedure employing Indonesian maid in practise now. employer need to get clearance letter from human resource minister department before submit to immigration. its tedious process.

-there is no way KDN going redo thumbprint process

-new approval for all sector can be applied in KDN

-illegal still can go back their home country by paying rm400.

-no bangladesh approval to date but there is strong indication will b

6P partially success because of one man. i am salute him even he do it in wrong method. without him i don't think so  many can be legalised and huge money can be collected from employer.he can justify himself by saying he has no power to  change entire system but he do  it in own way.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

6P -pending

6p process still going on in KDN putrajaya and daily lot of employer keep cumming. there is talk that it will b end on this month but the decision is still with new ksu. foreigner who overstay no matter how long still allowed go back their home country by paying compound rm400.

New approval for foreign worker already open up. Immigration still still accept maid 6P application if the employer obtain their maid passport recently. they don't accept passport which issued before 10th April.

Sunday, 29 April 2012


People out there still do not want accept that 6p already close. They still hope there will b opening again and everyday new rumours also not let their hope down. But  the truth is KDN want to close 6p programme and want go next stage of 6p.

right now only employer who got interview date alloweded to come for interview. no tukar majikan allowed and i think this will not going to b so long. once kdn see less employer come for interview, they will stop because employer will b given option with new approval which already start since 12/04.

i strongly advice employer to take last chance to legalise their worker even thought u have to spend all day over there.

the 6P registration slip no more valid. by now all workers should hold approval copy which passport number stated when authorities conduct checks. ask ur employer go for interview in prisent 1 parcel D putrajaya if they do not do yet.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012


last minute rush not new in malaysia...everything wanna do in last minute and if cant make it..easily blame authorises . but make joke of authority if they extend the time period...this is common among Malaysian..

by now lot of people wonder what will happen next then how to legalise their worker i give some information that i get but not sure about it ....

all employer who had interview number can attend interview in putrajaya

no more id application, tukar majikan(change employer) or embasy lettter anymore

pspt which issued before 10th april not allowed to legalise

only employer allowed and syarikat pengurus role is over

approval letter which approved until yersterday can make payment in putrajaya.

until yesterday illegal who want to go back home paid rm400 as compound and starting 2mrw nobody knows wht the procedure..just wait for immigration get instruction from home ministries..

Enforcement unit of immigration alrdy start their operational to crack down illegals in klang valley massively but not reported in media to avoid publicity which will anger neighbour countries..

i want get some rest after almost one month non stop work...will update this blog if any new information gathered..

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

extention 6p?

I strongly believe government will extend time period to do legalisation because it seems still lot of employer keep legalise their worker once they get passport from embassy. i think kdn will not take drastic act by stooping because the election around the corner and they dont want make any uneasiest among employers..

kDN in parcel d satrt accepting new kdn approval profile and started conducting interview. its really tiring to go parcel d putrajaya because of parking. dnt ever ask any question y they never do proper car parking system in an intelligent city of putrajaya...cause you will get more irritates when listen the answer

Monday, 19 March 2012

everythng possiable

For now i think most of employers nightmare over  wt kdn flexible approval. everybody seems happy and in my observation only 1/3 files pending in the market because of passport delay in embassy..others seems busy in getng PLKS in immigration.

 pls do not hesitate cal me if u need any help regarding 6p..

new kdn approval especially bangla approval being hot topics among agents..

agents seems very busy since start of this year and i thnk they will more busy if new approval come out..

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Legalisation going well

Now lot of employer understand how to legalise their worker takes time when new procedure reach layman employer to get use it. For those still didn't take steps pls do before 10 of April which is last day for legalisation. after ths employer cnt give any ascuses for delaying.

For any enquiries pls do not hesitate email or sms me..i try by best to help..right now i am really busy legalise my clients syarikat pengurus( appointed agent) can do all necessary arrangement behalf of employer..

New kdn approval not yet open by KDN. latest news indicating Bangladesh apprvl soon will b apprvd..

Friday, 10 February 2012


PLKS stand for pass lawatan khas sementara which issued by immigration department in final part of  legalisation process. It is a stiker stating where the worker which company the worker attached to and in which sector the worker allowed to work..

For pass few weeks employer who already got approval from KDN onestop centre seems submitting  document to get PLKS in Putrajaya Immigration..

For  info, employer also can submit their PLKS application in jln duta , Port Klang, Kedah,kelantan  Pahang and johor immigration too

Before submit make sure get ready all necessary document..mainly make sure the workers undergo medical check up...

for employer who not yet undergo interview, i suggest go visit prescient 15 onestop centre because less crowd there.,.For maid, its easier dealt with precient 2 second floor maid section in immigration department

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Good Time

KDN alrdy upgrade its web portal . pls check for latest info. One stop center seems seeing less crowd. i think this is best time employer go for interview. Employers can go jalan duta KDN center to be interviewed on the sport if all documents in proper order. No need wait for interview date.

Now KDN flexiable giving approval and i recomend employers go straight rather than seek agents help.There is no way illegal who didnt biometric can apply and if do people approach pls be carefull. to the orker who register but data not in system, they can seek help of KDN at 4th floor Immigration in putrajaya. KDN forms special caunter to deal with data conflict and problematic cases.

If u have any problem regarding 6p programe dont hestitate to cal me...i knw there is lot of problem and will try guide u..

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Feb 15 deadline remains for illegal immigrants

Most of employer who intend to legalise their worker already visit one stop centre and i think their main problem now is getting passport from respective embassy. Employer who dnt have local municipal council licence , contract, bank statement,and tenant agreement  facing difficulty to employ workers because KDN very strict on that matter...of course its illogical a person can run business without this papers..

As usual immigration officers have no idea about what going to happen to those employer who waiting for passport especially for employer who legalising their maid..For workers, one stop centre still giving date of appointment until i think by the time the passport should be pls get appointment date before feb15..

Any how new rules and statement from KSU can be expected after 15 feb...

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

6P succeseful or failure?

Definetly a failure exercise undertaken by KDN...before thismalaysia have seen two major legalisation in the year off 1991 and 1997(if not mistaken..around dat time).
Both handaled by Immigration department and it conducted straight forward manner..Just pay levy for the number of worker and get the sticker on the medical for first year and fomema start following year.

of course time already change and the experience from both exercise should b used to module a good system for this time..but whats happen is revert..

Immigration department officers who have experience conducting legalisation process never been called to get their opinion and ideas..KDN took over the task and i really do not have  idea how they come up with ridiculous rules which change constantly making all around look like fool.

Anyway, employers still can go to one stop centre to get their worker legalised...i can see lot of employers take this holiday to come over ..I knw employers still facing and cant make decision on certain things because there are not sure and they hear different stories from agents..Dont hesitate to sms or call me if you have any doubts...

Tuesday, 17 January 2012


Starting this week approved 6P agency can submit 6P maid application and workers application to immigration. Employer can ask their agent to do for their behalf by giving authority latter.

KDN officers are free because less employer cumming for interview on working hours. If fail is complete, just visit prisient 15 putrajaya or prisient 2 onestop centre for immediate interview. Outstation employer should use up this festival session holiday because it will be closed anytime if KDN see less crowd.

Employer can attend interview for the worker which holding  pasport and latter can attend second interview when passport ready for those workers whose passport pending application in embassy.

Monday, 16 January 2012

6P system

Employers whose workers registration slip have problem can visit 4th floor putrajaya to do biometrics..but dnt ever bring forged one..there checking before do biometric

Illegal who intend to go back home still can do in putrajaya but this time they have to fork out rm 400 as compound. i think its quite reasonable..

Lot of system problem arising daily in 6P programme and in myimm system..its already 4th month of implementation of myimm but it still not userfriedly. In cumming week i think KSU have to ask people's apologise again because myimm fail so far to deliver sticker for 6P

KDN now sorting out the 6P fails follow quato when giving approval..they have to follow standard procedure which recently introduce..

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


As stated above artical, constant change in rules makes employer confusing. Can KSU meet employers to answer them? i dare to say that KSU has no gut and cant answer public question regarding 6P..The floppy of 6P talk of town and i am really amused with KSU how he can always accuse employers.

He even have no respect in his own department. Just ask any immigration officers about how his management receive by them..I argue Home Ministry to go ground and get real picture about the implication of 6P programme and how the public feel about it because it already give bad impression to BN government since start.


Employer still can submit 6P application in one stop centre. above articals mentioning that employers still can continue do legalisation process to the workers that they already register in 6P.Putrajaya see less crowd today maybe because employers in confusion whetr it extended or not.

But amnesty confirm stopped by time being. Illegals have to face punishment if overstay and i think KDN already give ample of time for them to do so earlier.

Top KDN officers still do not understand employers problem and keep employers in dilemma. Lot of time and  energy spended since august 31 because of JCS requirement and to meet so many regulation. If KDN give exemption for JCS earlier, sure this 6P become really helpful for employers who face short of workers.

After 3 months registration of 6P, lot of worker runaway or returned to their home country when they realise they are not in sector which can be legalised. If KDN listen to agents propossals in earlier ,they would save up precious time and levy money.  Incompetent officers make government and rakyat in loss with their bad decision.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Do time will extended?

Lot of employer chasing time to KDN one stop centre 24 hours daily..Putrajaya one stop centre visited continuously by employer even at 5am. Now employers concerns is do time will will be extended for registration.

Most of agents and employer clueless and we have no choice than waiting as usual because we have to see how top KDN man's mood on 10th to announce.

For employer who have problem getting number to kemaskini , you can refer to your registration agent because they can help you do it. By that you can avoid queueing and straight away can register for interview time.

Pakatan should thank to KDN because KDN alrdy done good job making public getting irritated and anger towards government. For any assistant do not hesitate to sms or cal me because i know how you feel...

Monday, 2 January 2012


To all my client pls contact me or go visit KDN one stop centre asap because KDN now is flexible giving away approval..if you have less than 10 worker, you no need wait until get ur id cause you can straight away can get approval if do bring passport photocopy to one stop centre

For spa and reflexology china and Vietnam workers not allowed and only hotel and resorts can apply. No need apply id if you register with me cause can use my agency id to log in.I urge all to use up this opportunity wisely.

KDN one stop centre open in Jln duta and pelabuhan Klang too and open 24 hours daily.. so no more excuses for not registering. The main problem now is most of the worker not yet receive passport from respective embassy. we just need wait and see what kdn going to do for the worker who not yet receive passport after 10/01/12.