i)Pendaftaran ( Registration)
If you are foreign worker and have no valid pas to work or stay in Malaysia illegally, you should register yourself and employer details to nearest immigration or to registered agent appointed by minister of home affair.
Registration is free in all immigration offices and a small fees will charged if register with appointed agent.
Here is a list of information that will be taken during the registration process:
i. Name;
ii. Photos;
iii. Finger print (all right and left fingers)
iv. Number of passport / travel document;
v. Citizenship;
vi. Gender;
vii. Date of birth;
viii. Employer information (name, Identity cards number, phone numbers, addresses, e-mail, and employment sector);
ix. Confirmation of the information by the employer and
x. The purpose register - whether to work (whitened), to return to their homeland (spared and no action / punishment) or other purposes
Foreign immigrant or worker who do not have employer also eligible to register to order to return back or find match making with employer who wish to employ.
To people who has no any document, they should provide the basic information about their details as above by written
I understand public will have many question regarding this process
i will answer all your questions with my limited knowledge in this industry..Please refer to relevant department for further clarification.
2. Pemutian (Legalize)
This second phase will commence after 3 weeks of registration process which expected will start on 1st august
In this process home affair ministry will examine and determine if there is a need to maintain the registered foreign worker in particular sector. If found suitable, the worker will b legalised. However the whitening process only be considered for the sector listed in existing policy on employment of foreign worker and to frozen sub sector which government had given special permission previously.
3. Pengampunan (amnesty)
In this process government will allow all those who not legalised to return their country with their own cost without any immigration action.
4. Pemantauan (supervision)
This process will be implemented before the integrated enforcement operations against PATI conducted on a large scale throughout the country. This initiative will be driven through the inspection to the employer's premises to give advice other than at the same time explaining the implications of legal action if found to protect workers who are not registered PATI status with 6P Program. Among other things, employers and PATI that may be penalized under the provisions of the Anti-Trafficking Persons Act 2007 (Amendment 2010) and the Immigration Act 1959/63 which may lead to a fine of up to RM1 million
5. Penguatkuasan (Enforcement)
Full swing of enforcement will be conducted throughout the country to detect and arrest the PATI and employer who remain violating immigration rules
6. Pengusiran (deportation)
In this process, arrested PATI through the operation in integrated enforcement will be prosecuted before deport to home country. Since the cost of eviction is incurred with provision of the government, all the PATI who deported will be blacklisted and will be deny reenter Malaysia